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SMS/Text Quick Reply

Too busy to pick up the phone to a new customer, but don't want to lose the business?

SMS quick reply is a great way to let a caller you that you can't speak right now, but that you aren't ignoring them.

Integrating Leadcatcher with your phones quick reply text setting is easy.

The links below explain how to do this with the most common phones. Now you can create an quickly reply asking callers to chat to your bot, and include your Leadcatcher URL share.

You can use a service like to shorten your Leadcatcher URL, giving you more characters to personalise your message. 

If you are looking for inspiration, how about using a reply like this:

Hi, I can't talk right now. Please click on the link to chat with us and we'll reply as soon as possible yourLeadcatcherURL

Hi, I can't talk right now. Please share more details about your enquiry by clicking on the link and we'll reply as soon as possible yourLeadcatcherURL