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Adding Tradebot To Your Website

Once  you have gone through the simple steps to customise your bot all you need to do it to add a line of our cross-platform Javacript code to your website code. Like everything else in Tradebot this is a pretty simple job, however, you can also directly email the code and instruction to your website person or digital agency. You'll find out more on how to do this in Option 3 below

The Tradebot Javascript code should preferably be placed  in the Footer/as close as possible to the closing </body> tag. 

Most clients place place Tradebot on their home page, or but you can place your bot on any or all of the pages on your website.

Option 1

Copy the Javascript code from self serve platform where you have customized your bot.

Copy the code directly into your site's HTML (preferably in the <FOOTER> section).  

If you're having trouble installing Tradebot on your site, send us an email and we'd be happy to help! Drop us a line at

Once you have installed the code, launch your website you will be able to see the Tradebot chat widget at the bottom right hand corner of your website. Click on the chat icon widget to launch the chat window.

Option 2

If you are using a self serve platform or framework, please check out these guides below:




Option 3

You can always email the Tradebot directly from the bot build platform. Just click on the 'Email Code' button, add the email address of your website developer, or admin and tell them you want to place the code on your website.

This option seems to be quite popular...