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Cancelling & Pausing Your Leadcatcher Paid Subscription

If you wish to pause or cancel your Leadcatcher subscription, simply enter the SUBSCRIPTION STATUS section through the BILLING section or via the plan status button on the Leadcatcher dashboard homepage.

In here you can see your current plan details, payment cycle and the option to cancel your plan.

Clicking on the Cancel Plan button will begin the process of de-activating your Leadcatcher bot. The bot widget will still be live, but unresponsive on your Weebly website. You will need to arrange this via your Weebly App settings (see below for more details).

You can re-activate your customised Leadcatcher bot at any time by returning to SUBSCRIPTION STATUS section and clicking on the button to re-activate your account & enter a fresh payment cycle. Please ensure your Leadcatcher app is still installed and active on your site. If you cannot find the App, you can place the JS code manually - see here.

You can find a list of your installed and managed apps, including Leadcatcher, via the My Apps section of your Weebly account. 

For more details on the Weebly My Apps dashboard, please click here.